Potenciador de suero regenerador de péptidos de cobre

Péptido de cobre antienvejecimiento

El péptido de cobre ayuda a que su piel se mantenga joven y conserve su belleza natural al disminuir la apariencia de las patas de gallo.

Precio de venta $27.95

Péptido de cobre regenerador

Una tasa de uso recomendada de .3 - 3%

Nuestro DIY Serum Booster viene en 0,5 onzas de péptido de cobre en un frasco con gotero de vidrio azul.

Dale un impulso a la vitalidad de tu piel con el péptido de cobre . Nuestro refuerzo de suero de péptido de cobre totalmente natural es esencial para una piel y un cabello saludables. El péptido de cobre ayuda a que su piel se mantenga joven y conserve su belleza natural al mejorar el aspecto de su piel.

Además, disminuye la apariencia de las arrugas, incluidas las patas de gallo. Simplemente agregue una pequeña cantidad a cualquier crema, suero o humectante, o haga cosméticos personalizados.

Un micronutriente esencial, el péptido de cobre, mejora el tono de la piel y minimiza la aparición de líneas finas y arrugas. También mejora la salud del cabello y promueve el crecimiento.

¿Quieres una piel hermosa, juvenil y resplandeciente y un cabello brillante y completo? Entonces, te debes a ti mismo para mejorar tu cabello y tus productos para el cuidado de la piel con nuestro increíble refuerzo de suero de péptido de cobre.

¿Has comenzado a ver patas de gallo y líneas de preocupación que aparecen alrededor de las esquinas de tus ojos y entre tus cejas?

¿Le gustaría adelantarse al juego y detener estas líneas y arrugas antes de que surjan? Entonces un péptido de cobre es un refuerzo para ti.

Con solo agregar una concentración de .3 - 3% a su loción corporal, humectante, crema o producto para el cuidado del cabello favorito, notará mejoras significativas en su apariencia.

¿Quiere verse y sentirse más joven que en años sin gastar mucho dinero en productos de diseño para el cuidado de la piel?

Compre una botella de nuestro refuerzo de suero de péptido de cobre hoy y agréguelo a sus productos existentes favoritos. O puede usarlo como ingrediente en productos para el cuidado de la piel que hace en casa en su cocina.

Te mereces una piel más joven y hermosa. ¡Prueba nuestro potenciador de suero de péptidos de cobre hoy mismo!


¿Qué pueden hacer los péptidos de cobre por usted? Este sorprendente micronutriente puede ayudar en una larga lista de increíbles beneficios tanto para la piel como para el cabello, que incluyen, entre otros:

• Líneas de expresión
• Líneas finas y arrugas
• Mejora la salud del cabello
• Regenera la vitalidad de la piel
• Crecimiento de elastina y desarrollo de colágeno natural


La combinación de péptido de cobre con vitamina C en el mismo producto dará como resultado que los dos ingredientes actúen uno contra el otro y cancelen los efectos de ambos ingredientes.

Para mejores resultados, use un suero de vitamina C en la mañana por su protección antioxidante superior. Luego use su producto potenciado con péptidos de cobre por la noche para ayudar con la renovación y la regeneración celular.

También encontrado en:

El péptido de cobre también se encuentra en muchos diseñadores y productos de marca para el cuidado de la piel, incluidos, entre otros:

• Osmotics Blue Copper 5 Crema reafirmante reparadora de elasticidad
• Suero Filosofía cuando la esperanza no es suficiente (fórmula anterior)
• Complejo de cobre que desafía la edad de June Jacobs

No pague por precios de marcas y diseñadores. Puede obtener los mismos (si no mejores) resultados cuando compra una botella de refuerzo de suero de péptido de cobre.

Recetas de muestra:

¿Tiene un suero existente al que le gustaría agregar péptido de cobre por sus efectos anti-envejecimiento? Vea nuestro video paso a paso para agregar refuerzos de suero a sus productos para el cuidado de la piel, cosméticos o cabello.

¿Te interesa aprender a hacer tus sérums ? ¡También tenemos un video para eso! Hacer lociones, cremas y otros cosméticos es divertido, fácil y rentable. Además, podrá crear productos adaptados específicamente a sus necesidades personales de cuidado de la piel.

¿Que estas esperando? Elija una botella de refuerzo de suero de péptido de cobre hoy y comience a hacer productos orgánicos y saludables para el cuidado de la piel, ¡especialmente para su cutis hoy!

Puntaje del GTE

La puntuación de peligrosidad de los ingredientes de Skin Deep®, del 1 al 10, refleja los peligros conocidos y presuntos relacionados con los ingredientes. Más información
1-2 Peligro bajo
3-6 Peligro moderado
7-10 alto riesgo

  • agua Origin:
  • péptido de cobre Origin:

¿Qué es el péptido de cobre?
Es un oligoelemento esencial. El cobre es uno de los elementos que nuestro organismo necesita para estar sano y funcionar correctamente. Se encuentra más abundantemente en nuestra sangre, ayuda a sintetizar oxígeno en los glóbulos rojos.
¿Por qué el péptido de cobre es una adición importante a mi rutina?
El cobre es importante por dos razones principales. En primer lugar, las proteínas son los componentes básicos de casi todas las estructuras de nuestro cuerpo. Nuestro cabello, uñas, músculos y piel se alimentan de proteínas. En segundo lugar, es necesario producir colágeno en nuestro cuerpo.
¿Es necesario refrigerar este producto?
Recomendamos colocar el péptido de cobre en su refrigerador para mantenerlo fresco la próxima vez que lo necesite.

INCI: Agua, Péptido de Cobre.

Tenga en cuenta que la tasa de uso recomendada ha cambiado de 1 % a 0,3 a 3 %. Ahora puede agregar de manera segura más de su péptido regenerador favorito para mayor resistencia al envejecimiento.

Para una concentración del 1 % de péptido de cobre en un producto para el cuidado de la piel, base a granel o fórmula de 1 onza, agregue 9 gotas. Para una concentración del 3%, agregue 27 gotas a una base de 1 onza.

Cierra bien la botella azul y guárdala en el refrigerador después de agregar la cantidad deseada de péptido de cobre a una loción, humectante o crema.

Debido a que no agregamos conservantes sintéticos u otros aditivos, siempre debe almacenar nuestros productos en un ambiente refrigerado. O puede agregar conservantes adicionales.

No hay necesidad de mantener nuestro potenciador de suero de péptido de cobre alejado de la luz, ya que el color azul de la botella lo protege de perder su potencia debido a la exposición.

Tasa de uso recomendada: 0,3 a 3 %

Apariencia: Líquido azul pálido

Solubilidad: soluble en agua

Olor: Sin fragancia, sin perfume

Formulación: Fácil de incorporar al final.

Instrucciones adicionales: Agregue .3 - 3% de concentración en su fórmula a temperatura ambiente. Mezcle hasta que esté bien mezclado.

Coloque en el refrigerador a su llegada.

El péptido de cobre es un ingrediente antienvejecimiento utilizado en fórmulas para el cuidado de la piel. No aplicar directamente sobre la piel. Si tiene la piel sensible, haga una prueba de parche en la parte interior de su brazo antes de usar.

Se aconseja no usar Cobre en Suero de Vitamina C o con Retinol. Puede usarlo en productos para el cuidado de la piel o el cabello con otros péptidos o ingredientes antienvejecimiento.

Este refuerzo es fácil de incorporar y funciona en cremas, lociones, sueros, tónicos para el cabello, champús, acondicionadores, sueros para pestañas, productos para cejas y manteca corporal.

  • Anti-Aging Day and Night Moisturizers for Mature Skin
  • Anti-Aging Facial Regenerating Serums
  • Eye Creams and Gels
  • Highly Concentrated Back Bar Facial Treatments
  • Hair Tonics for Thinning
  • Hyaluronic Facial Serums for Derma Rolling and Micro Needling

No lo aplique directamente sobre su piel. En su lugar, este producto debe agregarse a una formulación a la tasa de uso recomendada.

Solo para uso externo, todos los productos son de grado cosmético.

La Administración de Drogas y Alimentos no ha evaluado las declaraciones contenidas en este documento. Este producto no está destinado a diagnosticar, tratar, curar o prevenir enfermedades. Siempre consulte con su proveedor profesional de cuidado de la piel.

Declaración de la Proposición 65 de California: La siguiente declaración se realiza para cumplir con la Ley de cumplimiento de sustancias tóxicas y agua potable segura de California de 1986. El estado de California no tiene conocimiento de que este producto cause cáncer, defectos de nacimiento u otros daños reproductivos.

Intro music

Slide 1:
Anti-Aging Solutions
Regenerate with Youth-Boosting Copper Peptide

Slide 2:
Video of what it is.
Boost any skincare product's effectiveness. Simply add 9 drops of Copper Peptide to a 1-ounce base, custom formula, or existing product for a 1% concentration.

Slide 3:
Highest Quality Skin Regeneration for Making Skincare
Copper Peptide helps your skin stay young looking and retain its natural beauty by improving your facial appearance and diminishing the look of wrinkles, including crow's feet.

Slide 4:
Benefits and Targets of Copper Peptide -
Expression lines
Fine lines and wrinkles
Improves hair health
Regenerates the skin's vitality
Elastin and collagen support

Slide 5:
Skin Perfection Logo
Supercharge your skin with the highest quality anti-aging peptides.

Outro music


Regenerate your complexion and delay aging. The Copper Peptide miracle: unlock the secrets of youthful skin.

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Questions & Answers

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  • What copper peptide is used in the serum booster?

    It's GHK-Cu or Tripeptide-1.

  • Can I use Copper Peptide in a Vitamin C Serum?

    No, Copper Peptide shouldn't be added to a Vitamin C Serum. Both ingredients regenerate and they will cancel each other out.

  • Does this turn your formula blue?

    The blue can tint your formula slightly. It may have a slight hint of blue, especially if your formula is white, but it would be very faint.

  • Can you add Copper to a Serum with CoQ10?

    Yes! You can use Copper Peptide with CoQ10.

  • How do I use this with my Vitamin C Serum?

    To use a Vitamin C Serum and a Copper Peptide Serum in your daily routine, use the Vitamin C Serum in the morning and the Copper Peptide Serum at night. This way you will get the benefits of brightening in the day and regenerating at night and the two products won't cancel each other out. You can also accomplish this by using one serum on one day and the other serum on the next day.

  • What is the percentage of this copper peptide?

    The Copper Peptide Serum Booster contains 1% GHK-Cu Tripeptide-1.

  • Copper Peptide-GHK Tripeptide-1-Serum Booster - .5 Oz Blue Dropper I would like to add it to distilled water for topical skin and hair application How many distilled water drops per 1 drop of Copper Peptide-GHK Tripeptide-1-Serum Booster? Thank you

    For a 1% concentration of Copper Peptide, add 9 drops to 30 ml or 1 ounce of distilled water.
    For a smaller .5-ounce batch, add 4.5 drops of Copper to your base (distilled water in this formula).
    If you would like to go even smaller, a .25 oz batch or 7.5 ml, and add 2.25 drops. 

    Because drops are not as accurate as a scale, it is okay to round to the nearest number. For 2.25 drops, just add 2.

  • What is the shelf life for all your products when stored in the fridge?

    The shelf-life is shown on each individual product label. However, most products, including the Copper Peptide Serum Booster, have a 12-month shelf-life. Storing the products in the fridge keeps them fresh for the next use.

  • Would Copper Peptide work well with Tretinoin (form of retinoid) in a night-time cream?

    We do not recommend using Copper Peptide with Tretinoin as they both regenerate and may be too aggressive for your complexion. Instead, use a separate cream with each ingredient on different days.

  • When mixed with hyaluronic acid or to a lotion does it need to be refrigerated?

    No, you do not need to refrigerate the skincare product that you make. However, for long-term storage, we do recommend placing the Copper Peptide Serum Booster in the fridge so that it will be fresh for your next use.

  • what is the best carrier to put copper peptides in for hair growth? Something that won't give hair a greasy feeling.

    For hair treatments, using a water-based hydrosol like Rose hydrosol will make a light mist that won't feel greasy.

    For a Hair Tonic with Copper Peptide, view the recipe here:

  • How much serum can you add to 1 oz of grape seed oil to put on scalp?

    Copper Peptide is water-soluble. You would need to add it to a water-based base such as a hydrosol or water. If you add it to Grapeseed oil, you would need to also add an emulsifier to get it to mix with an oil.

  • I have some questions about your Copper Peptide Serum Booster: Is the copper peptide used in your product NOT derived from animals and are the amino acids used in synthesizing the peptide NOT derived from animal sources? Is your product free of animal products and byproducts, and thus suitable for vegans? Thank you for your help in advance!

    The Copper Peptide is not derived from animals, animal sources, or byproducts.

  • Can I use the Copper Peptide with the Hyaluronic Acid, since you no longer offer the Hyaluronic Acid with Copper?

    Yes! That is a great way to use the Copper Peptide Serum Booster. Simply add 9 drops to 1 ounce of Hyaluronic Acid and blend. This will give you a 1% concentration of Copper Peptide.

  • How many drops of the Copper Peptide Booster would be needed for the suggested 1%, when adding to 1 ounce of product?

    Please refer to the chart included with your order to help you calculate the amount needed. For a 1% concentration, you would add 9 drops to 1 ounce of product.

  • Is this AHK copper peptide?

    The Copper Peptide Serum Booster is GHK Copper Peptide or Tripeptide-1. It is not AHK or Tripeptide-3.

  • Can this product be directly applied to skin?

    Yes, the Copper Peptide Serum Booster may be used directly on the skin.

  • Hi! Can I use the Copper Peptide with the Hyaluronic Acid for the Beauty devices such as electroporation treatment ?

    Thank you for your interest in combining Copper Peptide with Hyaluronic Acid for use with beauty devices, such as those that use electroporation treatment. I'm pleased to guide you through how these ingredients can work together with your device for enhanced skin care results.

    Copper Peptide is renowned for its skin regeneration properties. It promotes the production of collagen and elastin, which can help reduce the appearance of fine lines and improve skin elasticity. This ingredient is also known for its ability to regenerate and soothe the skin, making it a popular choice in anti-aging and restorative skin care formulations.

    Hyaluronic Acid is a powerful humectant that attracts moisture to the skin, helping to hydrate and plump the skin effectively. It works well across all skin types to improve moisture levels and create a dewy, youthful appearance.

    Using both Copper Peptide and Hyaluronic Acid in conjunction with an electroporation device can be highly effective. Electroporation treatment works by creating temporary pores in the skin to allow deeper penetration of active ingredients. Here’s how you can use these products with your device:

    1. Cleanse and dry your skin: Before using the device, ensure your skin is clean and free from any oils or makeup.

    2. Apply Hyaluronic Acid: Start by applying Hyaluronic Acid to the target area. This will serve as a conductor for the electroporation process and ensure that your skin is hydrated, maximizing the effectiveness of the treatment.

    3. Use the Copper Peptide: After the Hyaluronic Acid, apply the Copper Peptide serum. The device will help this powerful peptide penetrate deeper into the skin layers, enhancing its rejuvenating effects.

    4. Use the device as directed: Follow your device’s instructions carefully. The combination of these two products with the electroporation technology can help achieve more significant results by allowing deeper penetration and increased absorption of the active ingredients.

    5. Finish with a moisturizer: After using the device, it’s a good idea to apply a moisturizer to lock in the ingredients and ensure your skin remains hydrated.

    It's important to note that while combining these products can be beneficial, it's always wise to perform a patch test before applying new products with a beauty device to ensure no adverse reactions occur. Also, consider consulting with a skincare professional or dermatologist to ensure that this combination is suitable for your skin type and condition.

    Please feel free to reach out if you have any further questions or need more assistance with your skincare routine.

  • Can I use bakuchiol Serum or cream with copper peptide serum? Can I mixed copper peptide with Acetyl Hexapeptide-8 and Tetrapeptide-21 and vitamin c together?

    Copper Peptides should not be used with Vitamin C.

    You can use Bakuchiol with Copper Peptides.

  • 1) Can I use Bakuchiol Serum or cream with copper peptide? 2) Can I use copper peptide serum directly to my skin? 3) Can I mix copper peptide with Acetyl Hexapeptide-8, Tetrapeptide-21, Resveratrol, and Vitamin C?

    Bakuchiol and copper peptide may be used in the same serum or cream.

    Our copper peptide serum booster may be used directly on your skin.

    Copper peptide should not be mixed with Vitamin C. However, you can mix copper peptide with Acetyl Hexapeptide-8, Tetrapeptide-21 and Resveratrol.

  • Can you mix copper peptide with snap 8 in water and oil serum?

    Yes, when making your own formulas, such as a water-in-oil serum, add the Copper Peptide and Snap 8 at the end of formulation.

  • Is copper peptide derived from human source . I am not a vegan but I don’t use human and bovine derived ingredients. Thanks

    Thank you for your inquiry about the source of the copper peptide used in our products. I'm happy to provide you with the information you need to make an informed decision.

    Copper peptides in skincare are typically synthesized in a laboratory and are not derived from human or animal sources. These peptides are created by combining the element copper with a peptide molecule, which is a short chain of amino acids. This process ensures that the product is consistent in quality and effectiveness while also being suitable for those who avoid animal or human-derived ingredients.

    Our copper peptide products adhere to these standards, and we can confidently confirm that they do not contain ingredients derived from human or bovine sources. You can use our products with the assurance that they align with your personal preferences regarding ingredient sourcing.

    If you have any more questions or need further assistance, please feel free to reach out. We're here to help!

  • What is the best thing to mix with this copper peptide?

    A base of Hyaluronic Acid is hydrating and plumping.

  • I have a gel moisturizer that I’d like to add Copper peptides to. It includes: Citric Acid, Sodium Citrate, Alchemilla Vulgaris Extract, Melissa Officinalis Leaf Extract, Veronica Officinalis Extract, Achillea Millefolium Extract, Primula Veris Extract, Centella Asiatica Extract, Euterpe Oleracea Fruit Extract, Sorbic Acid, Phoenix Dactylifera (Date) Fruit Extract Will the Citric Acid or any other ingredients counteract the Copper?

    Copper Peptide should not be mixed with Vitamin C all other ingredients are okay. Vitamin C is typically seen as Ascorbyl Acid or Palmitate or the more stable forms, Magnesium Ascorbyl Phosphate or Sodium Ascorbyl Phosphate.

  • Should copper peptides be in an air tight pump container rather than a dopper, to avoid oxidation like vitamic c serums?

    Great question. While we do recommend using airless bottles it is perfectly acceptable to use a glass dropper. The most important thing is that the bottle is protected from light, hence the blue glass.

  • I am understanding that water based serums need a preservative. I am not seeing preservatives in your ready to use serums. Why is this? And you sell Leucidal but it is only stated as a "mild" preservative and its suggested use is in creams and lotions that are oil based. Other places say the same thing about leucidal being mild. Is that enough? Should I keep my diy serum in the fridge to avoid bacteria growth? It is difficult to transfer a face cream into a bowl and mix and then back into a pump bottle of face cream so as to avoid bacteria growth. I want to avoid this long process. Smaller batches of serum and keep refrigerated? Smaller as in 1/2 ounces at a time? I am confused as to why your ready to use water based serums don't have a preservative. And where can i get a preservative that is very effective in preventing bacteria growth. Please advise.

    The finished water-based serums that we carry do have a preservative. It will vary from product to product. You may see silver, Leucidal Liquid, a combination of preservatives or other.

    DIY serums should be placed in the fridge if they do not contain a preservative. They will only last a few days so small batches are essential. 

    All of our preservatives can be found https://www.naturalorganicskincare.com/collections/preservatives

    One of the most effective combinations is Leucidal SF Max and GSB.

  • Hello, can copper peptides be mixed with the other peptides? Can it be followed by bakuchiol? Thanks

    Yes, you can mix copper peptides with other Serum Boosters and anti-aging peptides. It should not be mixed or used with Vitamin C. Yes, you can use Bakuchiol afterwards.

  • What is best items to mix this copper peptide with for use after microneedling with derma roller?

    After microneedling, it is best to use Copper Peptide in a base of Hyalurnic Acid for the most effective results.

  • Hello I am trying to find a copper peptide serum with no hyaluronic acid in it. I live in a dry climate and as you probably know, hyaluronic acid is no good in dry climates. I have never heard of your company but found it when searching. First of all I want to confirm that there is no hyaluronic acid in this product. I also have another question. I read a review that says this product is not blue. Is that true? I know that other copper peptide serums are blue. If it is not blue like the others, can you tell me why? Thank you

    That is correct, we offer two Copper Peptide products. One is a liquid form of Copper Peptide doesn’t contain Hyaluronic Acid. The other is pure GHK Copper Peptide powder. Both products are blue. The liquid Copper Peptide is a 1% concentration and is a transparent blue. GHK is a bright blue. Both products are used in the making of skincare products and you add them to any base or existing skincare product your have.

  • Hello I am trying to find a copper peptide serum with no hyaluronic acid in it. I live in a dry climate and as you probably know, hyaluronic acid is no good in dry climates. I have never heard of your company but found it when searching. First of all I want to confirm that there is no hyaluronic acid in this product. I also have another question. I read a review that says this product is not blue. Is that true? I know that other copper peptide serums are blue. If it is not blue like the others, can you tell me why? Thank you

    That is correct, we offer two Copper Peptide products. One is a liquid form of Copper Peptide doesn’t contain Hyaluronic Acid. The other is pure GHK Copper Peptide powder. Both products are blue. The liquid Copper Peptide is a 1% concentration and is a transparent blue. GHK is a bright blue. Both products are used in the making of skincare products and you add them to any base or existing skincare product your have.

  • Can I add this to the Hyaluronic Acid?

    Yes, Hyaluronic Acid would make a great base. Simply, unscrew the lid to open the pump on the airless bottle and add the desired amount. Lid and shake well. 

  • Hello! What concentration of ghk-cu (in ppm) have your product?

    For a 1% concentration is would be 10,000ppm.

  • Can I use the copper peptide with my other peptides?

    Yes, you can use Copper Peptide with other peptides.