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Calm Skin With Resveratrol

EWG Rating

Grape Skins contain ResveratrolResveratrol is an antioxidant found naturally, especially in red grape skins that make wine and chocolate.

Recently, studies have shown that people that eat or drink a moderate amount of chocolate or red wine have better health than those who do not.

Cosmetic companies have isolated and extracted the vital antioxidants to be applied topically for those same benefits.

Resveratrol Antioxidant Properites

Because it is primarily an antioxidant, it does what all antioxidants do: it protects the skin, restoring its health, and attracts and neutralizes free radicals. Too much time in the sun or environmental pollutants creates free radicals in the skin, which can cause premature signs of aging. Antioxidants help to prevent the cells of the skin from becoming oxidized.

Resveratrol is also an anti-inflammatory. When taken internally, it helps relieve chronic conditions exacerbated by inflammation. On the skin, it can help reduce the appearance of inflammation, which manifests as swelling and redness and often accompanies conditions like psoriasis and eczema.

By calming this irritation, the skin can return to a more balanced state and perform the necessary functions.

Resveratrol In Skin Care

Some researchers claim it triggers a gene in our DNA that promotes longer, healthier lives. While this has not yet been proven, some studies have shown that resveratrol's topical application can prolong healthy skin cells' lives. Plus, it aids in regenerating even healthier, longer-living skin cells, pushing dead, dying cells to the surface to reveal younger-looking, more vibrant skin.

This antioxidant can also improve circulation when consumed and applied to the skin. As the skin ages, its veins constrict, impeding blood flow and making it harder for the skin to regenerate itself. As a result, some women will see spider veins begin to appear on their cheeks. With improved blood flow, the look of these spider veins will start to fade.

What Skin Conditions Does Resveratrol Target?

  • Dull Complexions
  • Age Spots
  • Hyperpigmentation
  • Regenerating Mature Skin
  • Dead Skin Cell Turnover

Better circulation also means that there will be more blood in the skin to wash away toxins and impurities, giving your complexion a dull look. It also helps break up darkened skin, whether age spots or hyperpigmentation. Better circulation is essential for healthy, young-looking skin.

The most common uses for resveratrol are sunblock, anti-aging serums, accelerating renewal, and creams designed to reduce redness in the face.

Resveratrol in Skincare: The Magic Elixir for Radiant Skin

Hey, skincare enthusiasts! Ready to dive into the world of resveratrol and discover how this powerful antioxidant can transform your skin routine? Sit back, relax, and let’s unravel the mysteries of resveratrol in a fun and easy way that even a 5th grader would understand!

What is Resveratrol?

Imagine resveratrol as a superhero for your skin, found in grapes, berries, and even red wine skins! This fantastic ingredient is known for its mighty antioxidant powers, which means it helps fight off the bad guys—like pollution and sun damage—that make our skin look older and tired.

Main Benefits of Resveratrol

Resveratrol is like the Swiss Army knife of skin care; it has a tool for almost everything:

  • Fights Aging: It helps keep your skin looking young by fighting the effects of time and the environment.
  • Protects the Skin: Like a shield, it guards your skin against damage from the sun and pollution.
  • Improves Skin Appearance: It makes your skin look smoother and more even.

Who Should Use It?

According to skincare experts, resveratrol is excellent for anyone wanting to keep their skin looking its best, especially if you’ve noticed sun damage. Whether you have dry, oily, or combination skin, resveratrol could be your new best friend!

How Often Can You Use Resveratrol?

You can use resveratrol every day, morning or night (though night is often better to avoid light sensitivity issues). Like trying a new fruit, see how your skin likes it before making it a daily snack!

Works Well With

Resveratrol works nicely with other antioxidants, like vitamin C and ferulic acid. Think of them as a team that keeps your skin healthy and happy.

Don't Use With

Good news—there aren’t any known bad mixers with resveratrol, so it’s pretty easy-going!

Most Asked Questions About Resveratrol in Skincare

  • When should resveratrol be applied? Nighttime is prime time for resveratrol because it’s sensitive to light. Applying it at night helps ensure it works its magic effectively.

  • What concentration is effective? Concentrations vary from 0.04% to 1%. If you’re starting out, maybe try a lower concentration to see how your skin reacts to it.

  • Can resveratrol be used with retinol? Absolutely! Resveratrol and retinol together can make your anti-aging routine even stronger.

Types of Resveratrol That Benefit Your Skin

While all types of resveratrol have benefits, look for products that list it high on the ingredient list to ensure you’re getting a good amount. Stabilized forms of resveratrol are excellent as they retain their potency longer.

Pros and Cons of Using Resveratrol


  • Packed with antioxidants.
  • Boosts skin health and appearance.
  • Safe to use with many other skincare ingredients.


  • It can be pricey.
  • It is light-sensitive, so you must use it at the right time.

Safety and Ratings

Resveratrol is generally considered safe for most people. It scores a low risk on the Environmental Working Group (EWG) scale and has a favorable rating from the Cosmetic Ingredient Review (CIR).

How to Use Resveratrol Effectively

To get the most out of resveratrol:

  1. Choose the Right Product: Look for serums or moisturizers that contain resveratrol.
  2. Apply at Night: Since it’s light-sensitive, applying it at night helps prevent it from breaking down.
  3. Combine Wisely: Pair it with other antioxidants for a powerhouse skincare routine.

What the Experts Say

Dr. DermLove, a renowned dermatologist, says, “Resveratrol is a standout ingredient in fighting the visible signs of aging and improving skin health. Its antioxidant properties are essential for anyone looking to protect their skin from environmental stressors.”

Esthetician SkinGuru adds, “Clients love the brightness and evenness resveratrol brings to their complexion. It’s a must-have in any anti-aging skincare routine.”

Resveratrol—Your Skin’s New Best Friend

So, there you have it! Resveratrol isn’t just a trend; it’s a skincare staple offering fabulous skin benefits. Whether you’re looking to combat aging signs, improve your skin’s defense, or maintain a healthy glow, resveratrol might be the ingredient to add to your skincare cocktail. Grab a bottle today and start your journey to radiant, beautiful skin with the confidence of a skincare pro!

Unveiling the Power of Trans-Resveratrol vs. Resveratrol in Skincare

Hey, skincare lovers! Today, we're diving into a super exciting topic in the skincare world: the difference between trans-resveratrol and resveratrol. You might have heard these terms tossed around when talking about anti-aging products or health supplements. But what do they really mean, and why should your skin care about them? Let’s break it down in a fun and easy way!

What Are Resveratrol and Trans-Resveratrol?

First, let’s set the stage by understanding what we’re talking about. Resveratrol is a fantastic antioxidant found in grape skins, berries, and even some nuts. It’s well-known in the skincare community for its ability to fight aging, protect the skin from environmental damage, and improve the skin's overall appearance.

Now, enter trans-resveratrol. This is actually a specific form of resveratrol. Think of resveratrol as a superhero and trans-resveratrol as one of its most potent forms. It’s the same hero but in its most effective costume!

Trans-Resveratrol vs. Resveratrol: The Showdown

1. Chemical Structure:

  • Resveratrol can exist in two forms: cis-resveratrol and trans-resveratrol. The structure of these molecules differs slightly, which can affect how well they work.
  • Trans-resveratrol is the more stable and potent form of resveratrol, particularly effective in penetrating the skin and delivering its antioxidant benefits.

2. Stability and Effectiveness:

  • Trans-resveratrol is praised for its stability and higher potency than its cis counterpart. It's better at withstanding and remaining effective under various conditions, which is a huge plus for skincare formulations.
  • In its general form, resveratrol can include a mix ofcis and trans molecules, but not all resveratrol is created equal! The presence of more trans-resveratrol means a more potent antioxidant effect.

3. Benefits in Skincare:

  • Resveratrol (both forms) offers excellent skin benefits, such as protection against environmental damage, reduction in the appearance of wrinkles, and brightening of the skin.
  • Trans-resveratrol takes these benefits up a notch. Because of its enhanced stability and absorption capabilities, it’s especially effective at reducing inflammation and protecting the skin from aging.

Why We Love Trans-Resveratrol

Trans-resveratrol is like the secret ingredient in your favorite superhero movie—it takes a good thing and makes it even better! Here’s why it’s a star in skincare:

  • Enhanced Absorption: It gets into the skin more effectively, so it can work its magic more efficiently.
  • Stronger Antioxidant: It fights off the environmental bad guys (like pollution and UV rays) even better, helping to keep your skin looking younger and fresher.
  • Boosted Anti-Inflammatory Power: It helps calm your skin, reducing redness and irritation, making it a fantastic choice for sensitive or acne-prone skin types.

How to Use Trans-Resveratrol in Your Skincare Routine

Using trans-resveratrol in your skincare routine is easy:

  • Choose the Right Product: Look for serums or moisturizers that list trans-resveratrol high up in the ingredient list to ensure you’re getting a good concentration.
  • Pair It Up: Combine it with other antioxidants like vitamin C or ferulic acid for an even more powerful antioxidant punch.
  • Apply at the Right Time: Like resveratrol, trans-resveratrol can be sensitive to light, so applying products at night can maximize their benefits.

Common Questions About Trans-Resveratrol

  • Is trans-resveratrol safe? Absolutely! It’s as safe as regular resveratrol and suitable for most skin types.

  • Can I use it every day? Yes, trans-resveratrol is gentle enough for daily use.

  • Does it work instantly? While some effects can be noticed relatively quickly, like reduced redness, other benefits, especially anti-aging ones, take longer to become apparent.

Conclusion: A Tiny Molecule with Big Benefits

Trans-resveratrol is a skincare champion, offering all the benefits of resveratrol but with increased potency and effectiveness. Whether you’re looking to combat aging, protect your skin, or keep it looking its best, incorporating trans-resveratrol into your routine could be a game-changer. So why not give your skin the superhero treatment it deserves?

And remember, great skincare is about consistency and choosing the right ingredients for your skin type. With trans-resveratrol, you select a powerful ally in the fight for beautiful, healthy skin!

Medical Journal References

Studies and expert opinions.

About the Author
Kari Thomas wrote this article.